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For Managers: Tracking Training Status

The instructions below will guide managers to register their employees to participate in health & safety training courses (includes the AODA and Ontario Human Rights Code training), as well as tracking the AODA training status of direct reports.

For Managers – How to track the AODA training status of direct reports:

The Manager Self-Service functionality allows managers to track the mandatory AODA and Ontario Human Rights Code online training course completed by their employees using Mosaic. Additionally, managers can track their employee’s completion of the Accessible Education training (Code: AODATL).

To access your employees’ training records, please navigate the following pathway:

NavBar>Navigator>Human Resources>Manager Self Service>Learning and Development>Training Summary> Select employee

Enroll your employees in the AODA and Ontario Human Rights Code training:

Managers can also register their employees to participate in health & safety training courses, which includes the AODA and Ontario Human Rights Code training.

To enroll employees please navigate the following pathway:

NavBar>Navigator>Human Resources>Manager Self Service>Learning and Development>Request Training Enrollment>Search by Course Name>Search (leave the field blank)>View Available Sessions>Select a session>Continue>Select the check box of employees you wish to enroll>Continue>Submit>OK

Courses tracked through Mosaic:

Course Title: AODA and Human Rights Code

Course Number: AODA

Course Title: Accessible Education – Forward with Flexibility

Course Number: AODATL

For more course information please visit the Accessibility Hub’s Training page, click here.

AODA Note: the AODA and Human Rights Code Training is mandatory for all McMaster faculty, staff, and student-staff, student leaders and volunteers. This is a requirement based on Regulation 191/11 s. 7 (1) of the AODA.