Just Released - Visit the 2022-2023 Annual Accessibility and Disability Inclusion Update Here!
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*Students with disabilities / accommodations seeking academic accommodation support – please contact Student Accessibility Services directly at SAS Contacts and not via the Accessibility Form or contact information listed below*

Contact AccessMac staff below to email questions or to book an appointment.

All other contacts listed on this page are not staff within the AccessMac Program (Equity and Inclusion Office), but run programming and provide resources to support accessibility and/or accommodations across campus. Their direct contacts are available at the email addresses listed under the icons below.

Information Box Group

The title "AccessMac" is written over building with the Brighter World Yellow highlight. The contact information for the Accessbility Program Manager at AccessMac, Kate Brown, is also embedded and she can be reached on her phone at 1 (905) 525-9140 extension 24644 or through email at access@mcmaster.ca.

Paula Hearn


Accessibility Program Manager AccessMac Program

The acronym "AODA" is written over Brighter World Sky Blue. The acronym "AODA" stands for AODA and Human Rights Code Training Contact. Embedded below is the contact information for the service. The phone number is 1 (905) 525-9140. The email for contact is aoda@mcmaster.ca

AODA and Human Rights Code Training Contact

Accessibility Projects Coordinator

The acronoym "FLEX" is written over Brighter World Heritage Maroon. The acronoym "FLEX" stands for FLEX Forward Acessible Education Online Training Contact. Embedded below is the contact information for the service. The email is access@mcmaster.ca and there is a link to the FLEX Forward Accessible Education Training website registration.

FLEX Forward Accessible Education Online Training Contact

Accessibility Projects Coordinator

The acronym "MAAC" is written over Brighter World Heritage Maroon. The acronym "MAAC" stands for McMaster Accessibility Advisory Council. Embedded below is the contact information for the council. The phone number is 1 (905) 525-9140 extension 24644. The email for the McMaster Accessibility Council is access@mcmaster.ca.

McMaster Accessibility Advisory Council

The acronym "WAS" is written in white text over a Brighter World Green background. The acronym "WAS" stands for "Web Accessibility Specialist" which is Clark Cipryk's role within the Equity and Inclusion Office. His email is embedded underneath image and he can be reached at ciprykc@mcmaster.ca.

Clark Cipryk

Web Accessibility Specialist