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AODA and Human Rights Code Training

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Ontario Human Rights Code Online Training Videos

This step-by-step guide provides instruction on how to register for AODA and Human Rights Code Training

Registration Guide

*Please note that AODA and Human Rights Code Training is mandatory for all McMaster faculty, staff, student-staff, student leaders and volunteers*

**Also please note that AODA and Human Rights Code Training is separate from the required SGS101/201 courses for Graduate Studies students. Please contact sgsrec@mcmaster.ca if you need assistance with these courses (including verifying grades)**

Redesigned over summer 2017, AODA and Human Rights Code training comprises 5 short videos and a completion quiz that introduce important definitions, examples, and expectations with regard to supporting people with disabilities at McMaster. The training will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, including a quiz that must be taken once the videos are completed. You will be notified through Mosaic of official completion of the training.

Steps for Enrolling in the Training:

  1. Log-in to Mosaic
    1. Click the “Regulatory Training” tab
    2. Click on “Search by Course Name” > Search for “AODA and Human Rights Code”
    3. Click on > “View Available Sessions”
    4. Click  “00XX” [under Session label] > This number will change approximately every few months as new sessions are opened.
    5. Click “Continue” > “Submit”
  2. Wait 24 hours for the course to be added to Avenue to Learn
  3.  Login to Avenue to Learn and search your Avenue to Learn courses by typing “AODA” in the search bar on the first page. Click to enter the course shell “AODA and Human Rights Code”.
  4. Access the AODA and Human Rights Code Training Videos > Watch all 5 videos before completing the quiz.
  5. Complete a quiz in Avenue to Learn [“Assessments” > “Quizzes”] to demonstrate understanding of basic AODA and Human Rights Code principles and practices. You will need 100% [10/10] to complete this training.
  6. Wait 24 hours for quiz results to appear in your Mosaic training summary.

For information on AODA and Ontario Human Rights Code Training, please contact us at: aoda@mcmaster.ca

View AODA and Human Rights Code Videos