Information Box Group
Faculty and Instructors Access Supports
To support you best in creating and maintaining accessible online education and tutorial spaces, the following best practices and skill-building tutorials and resources have been put together for you to enhance the accessibility and usability of McMaster-supported technologies (e.g. Microsoft Teams and Zoom). Please also note resources and training to support you in creating and publishing accessible digital content (e.g. documents, emails and presentations).
For more information on accessibility and inclusion pedagogy and instructional techniques, please visit McMaster’s FLEX Forward Accessible and Inclusive Education resource or visit the MacPherson Institute Teaching and Learning Centre’s Teaching Remotely page.
- For faculty and instructional staff who require support in accommodating students with disabilities registered in their courses, please contact Student Accessibility Services.
- For faculty and instructional staff who require workplace accommodations to support their own disability-related needs, please contact Employee Health Services.
Staff and Administration Access Supports
To support you best in creating and maintaining accessible online meeting and communications-focused spaces, the following best practices and skill-building tutorials and resources have been put together for you to enhance the accessibility and usability of McMaster-supported technologies (e.g. Microsoft Teams and Zoom). Please also note resources and training to support you in creating and publishing accessible digital content (e.g. documents, emails and presentations).
- For staff who require support in accommodating employees with disabilities in their units, please contact Employee Health Services.
- For staff who require workplace accommodations to support their own disability-related needs, please contact Employee Health Services.
Undergraduates and Postgraduates Access eLearning
To support you best in navigating courses, meetings and other communications-focused spaces, we want to ensure that all students, and particularly those with disabilities, have the resources and supports for academic success. Please access the resources and tutorials below to:
- Learn how you can be better supported as a McMaster student experiencing accessibility barriers (including a need for new / continuing academic and/or workplace accommodations during this time)
- Learn how you can better support your fellow McMaster students who may themselves be experiencing accessibility barriers