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McMaster Accessibility Advisory Council

The McMaster Accessibility Council (MAC) has undergone a formal name change to the McMaster Accessibility Advisory Council (MAAC) as of December, 2022.

The MAAC is responsible for ensuring the University’s adherence to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

The MAAC provides a mechanism for planning, reviewing and evaluating the implementation of the AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation within the University.  It is responsible for addressing identified barriers,  developing plans for their removal and taking steps to prevent future barriers. MAAC will also review work from previous years to determine if all objectives have been met, identify reasons for unaddressed objectives, and specify how these objectives can be re-instituted going forward. MAAC reviews its membership on an annual basis to ensure adequate representation from persons with disabilities.

McMaster University introduced its first accessibility plan entitled the McMaster University Accessibility Plan 2012-2025 in compliance with the Ontario Disabilities Act (ODA) in the 2003-2004 academic year. This plan outlines accomplishments that have been achieved over the last few years in terms of the removal and prevention of barriers; however, the list is not exhaustive.  McMaster recognizes that individual departments make many efforts to accommodate without necessarily seeking recognition. The university applauds such efforts and encourages continuation of these practices. This document contains a record of known accomplishments as a means of demonstrating its efforts in the removal and prevention of barriers to access for persons with disabilities. The continually expanding McMaster University Accessibility Plan 2012-2025 document is one snapshot in a series of successive plans, and is a model for future accessibility plans. The document retains a progressive plan of activities that forecast full implementation of the AODA standards by 2025.  MAAC will update this plan annually in order to capture progress made by the University to ensure full compliance with the AODA.

mcmaster accessibility Advisory council terms of reference

The McMaster Accessibility Advisory Council and its Members are responsible for ensuring the University’s adherence to Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA) Standards. The Council provides a mechanism for planning, reviewing and evaluating the implementation of the AODA Standards within the University.


The Council will:

1. Guide the development of plans for the implementation of the AODA Standards at the University;

2. Receive plans and reports related to the implementation of AODA Standards from MAAC Working Groups;

3. Make recommendations to the University regarding policies and institutional changes required to ensure adherence to the AODA Standards;

4. Monitor the progress of AODA Standards implementation across the University and;

5. Oversee the filing of the required accessibility reports to the Ontario government regarding the University’s compliance with the AODA.


The Council will report to the President through the Provost & Vice- President (Academic) and the Vice-President (Administration). The Council will prepare an annual report of its September 1 to August 31 activities, to be submitted to the Provost & VP Academic and the VP Administration by December 1. The Terms of Reference will be reviewed every five years.


Membership on the Council is made up of senior officers of the University who are accountable for decisions made at the Council. From time to time, members of the Council may send a delegate if they are unable to attend a meeting. Membership of the Council will be reviewed periodically to ensure that all areas of the University are appropriately represented.

Process for Selecting Chair (TBD) 


Four senior officers (or designates who have been given authority) are required to vote on a motion to bind the University. Where there is a vote binding another department, the Council member of that particular department must be present at the meeting.

Members (voting)

Associate Vice-President (Equity and Inclusion) – Ex-Officio

Associate University Librarian (current Chair)

Associate Vice-President, Research

Associate Vice-President (Students & Learning) and Dean of Students

Associate Vice-Provost, Faculty

Assistant Vice-President & Chief Facilities Officer

Assistant Vice-President & Chief Human Resources Officer

Assistant Vice-President & Chief Technology Officer

Assistant Vice-President (Administration) & Chief Financial Officer

Assistant Vice-President, Faculty of Health Sciences

Director, Communications

Consultants (non-voting)

Accessibility Program Manager (Equity & Inclusion Office)

Employment Equity Specialist (Human Resource Services)

Director, Student Accessibility & Case Management

Vice-President (Education), McMaster Students Union

Stakeholder Groups

The Council, through the Accessibility Program Manager and the Vice-President (Education, McMaster Student Union), will facilitate regular consultation with existing networks of employees and students with disabilities, e.g. the Employee Accessibility Network, MSU Maccess, and the Disability Inclusion, Madness, Accessibility, and NeuroDiversity (DIMAND) Working group under PACBIC, to ensure stakeholder feedback is considered in the exercise of its responsibilities.


A schedule of meetings will be developed based on an annual planning cycle of issues/topics for the agenda.