Accessibility in Online and Technology-Enabled Learning
May 27, 2021
10:00AM to 12:00PM

Date(s) - 27/05/2021
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Categories No Categories
In this session, you will be introduced to the newest chapter addition to McMaster’s “Forward with FLEXibility” resource on accessible education, which will focus on Accessibility in Online and Technology-Enabled Teaching and Learning.
After reviewing the FLEX Forward framework (available to all McMaster educators on Avenue to Learn), the presentation will employ a case scenario approach to identifying specific barriers to accessibility that students with disabilities, as well as instructors, may experience in online learning environments, and how these might be proactively mediated and addressed during course design and delivery through the principles of Flexibility, Alignment, Variety, and Explicitness.
This session focuses on applying an overarching set of accessibility principles to concrete examples from online teaching and learning.
A written version of this training content is currently available within the FLEX Forward resource on Avenue to Learn.
By the end of the session, you will be able to:
- List the four FLEX Forward FAVE Principles for Accessible Education
- Translate the FAVE principles to one’s specific academic / instructional role
- Provide examples of accessible teaching practices in the online and blended learning environment
Facilitators: Devon Mordell, Educational Developer, MacPherson Institute & Kate Brown, Accessibility Program Manager, Equity and Inclusion Office
Platform: Microsoft Teams (details will be provided to registrants before event date)
Audience: McMaster Community and Affiliates