Just Released - Visit the 2022-2023 Annual Accessibility and Disability Inclusion Update Here!
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Creating accessible websites: Understanding some applications of the Information and Communication Standard within the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.

This McMaster UTS Web Accessibility Course helps Administrators, Web Designers, Web Developers and Content Creators understand, develop and include accessibility best principles and practices into their websites and web content.

Learn More

The Information and Communications Standard is part of the AODA Integrated Standards Regulation released in June 2011 by Ontario legislative body. It requires McMaster University to provide information in an accessible format, which includes web sites and information published on them. McMaster University’s University Technology Services has created a series of webpages dedicated to web accessibility, including a list of website accessibility compliance dates to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 (Level AA)

Complete Integrated Accessibility Standards under AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) can be found online. Please see the Information and Communications Standard for more information. (Explanation taken from UTS’, “Web Accessibility”)

WebAIM also has an infographic that summarizes accessibility requirements for web designers:

WebAIM infographic

Validating Your Website

WAVE accessibility evaluator tool is an online tool that automatically evaluates the accessibility of your website.

Web designers and developers may also wish to validate their markup using the W3 HTML validator. This is to insure that different parts of the website look as intended by being coded properly, and work as expected with assistive technology.

Common Web Accessibility Errors

The more you pay attention to web accessibility, the easier it is to make a well-meaning mistake that renders your website less usable to people with disabilities. An enlightening round-up of frequently made accessibility errors is given here at  WebAIM’s Common Web Accessibility Errors.